A recent report shows there is a substantial gap between the amount of life insurance taken out by men and women who are married with children under 18. The research was carried out by MetLife in its annual ‘Study of Employee Benefit Trends‘ and it shows that working married men take out far more cover than their partners. Working dads take out an average of five times their earnings in life cover, while moms take out on average just three times their annual income.
The report was based on 382 interviews with working parents at companies who had at least two employees and was completed over the last quarter of 2009.
The Gap in Life Coverage is a ‘Worrying Trend’
According to Bill Rackzo vice president of US Business at MetLife this is a worrying trend since “Life Insurance can provide a family with substantial peace of mind. It is important to not only have coverage but to make sure coverage amounts are adequate. That is why it is concerning to see the income of working mothers is not as adequately protected as that of fathers.”
The gap in life coverage amounts is surprising given the survey also showed that both working moms and dads say they are concerned about not having enough life coverage, with six out of ten saying they felt ‘very’ concerned. So why are women not taking out enough life insurance? MetLife believes the reason may be down to poor communications from their employers about benefits – only 26% of working moms thought they were receiving adequate information compared to 46% of working dads.
Working Parents Need to Look Realistically at their Life Insurance Needs
Also, according to Steven Weisbart, PH.d., CLU, Vice President and Chief Economist at the Insurance Information Institute, many people “overlook important expenses that life insurance can help cover. The death of a parent may not only terminate an income source but also a family’s source of health insurance, tuition assistance and other financial benefits.” Dr Weisbart recommends that working parents should get financial advice from life insurance professionals in order to assess their needs. At present only half as many women as men seek this type of assistance.
Workplace a Good Option When Taking out Life Insurance
When assessing life insurance it pays to look to your workplace since you may be able to get beneficial group rates – it’s easy to set up and it’s also straightforward, with the deductions being made direct from pay. Many employers offer employees the option of supplementing the insurance at good rates. Also, importantly, couples should discuss their options together in order to come to a decision on their life insurance needs.
Source: Insurance News Net
photo credit: World Economic Forum