Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company’s LifeBridge program is a philanthropic program intended to help provide education to children of working parents. Since 2002, MassMutual has been offering free ten-year, $50,000 term life insurance policies to eligible families. In order to qualify, says MassMutual, a family must be in a good health and earn between $10,000 to $40,000 a year.
Any benefits paid through LifeBridge are distributed into a trust, which pays for the educational expenses of your child. Should your income go above the income limit after you qualify for LifeBridge, the life policy will still remain in effect and the only exclusion is in the event of suicide within the first two years of the policy.
Whether you’re a full-time or part-timer working parent, you may be eligible, but you should first check with MassMutual. Since the program started about 9,500 free policies have been issued totaling about $450 million in coverage. Since its inception, the LifeBridge program has paid on six claims through the program.
photo credit: atennies94